Brokers (916)670-4800 Limited Liability Enjoy the profit of the organization you build without the liability usually associated with a real estate brokerage. WE carry the EO the Licensing the Compliance Legality.... WE carry the liability. Virtual Office Model The virtual business model with centralized processing etc. allows you to dramatically reduce your overhead as time goes by. Co-Branding Where allowed by state regulation brokers have the ability to co-brand. Unlimited Expansion You ll be able to develop a multi-area brokerage with a single-state license. No longer are you stuck with only being able to recruit in one geographic area. With ERS business model you can grow your business in any County. Referral Agent Program (RAP) The residual income model sets your business apart from all others with ERS you now have something valuable to offer potential recruits. Unsurpassed Technology Give your agents thousands of dollars of technology for free. Including presence direct IDX MLS feeds and virtual tours and CRM platforms. Agent Retention Your agents will stick to you like Velcro. Since agents can make significant residual income they will find it extremely difficult to walk away from that income by moving to another brokerage. Broker Support Incoming sponsored brokers can count on substantial support from our Business Development team in signing their present agents recruiting and team-building through three tiers. Legacy Succession Leave your business to a loved one as long as the designee holds a current real estate sales license. We are currently recruiting existing Brokers now in California. We will assist in all areas of recruitment and support and will assign all in-state leads to these individuals. Please contact usAT 916-670-4800



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