Toby Locci - Male Doberman Pinscher Mix

Special Needs baby This very sweet and tiny 10 week old Min Pin has a neurological disorder because at just 7 weeks old this baby was stuffed into a white plastic bag and thrown out of a car traveling at high speed on the highway. Upon impact the bag burst open and oncoming traffic saw his little head pop out. Horrified they stopped and took this tiny injured baby to the nearest vet. We will be taking him to a specialist for a consult and follo wing up with the necessary treatments and therapies. To adopt TOBY LOCEE or one of his foster siblings please go to -.-------.- app-form To donate towards his medical expenses and care please go to -.-------.- donate OR You can mail a check to Second Chance Rescue P.O. Box 570701 Whitestone NY 11357 We are a recognized 501(c)(3) NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION. All donations are tax deductible. PLEASE SHARE Thank you



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