WYATT - Male Miniature Pinscher Mix

Please meet Mr. Wonderful Wyatt he is looking for his furrever home. He is a super cute Rat Terrier Mix that we are fostering through Front Street Animal Shelter. He is such a happy loving guy. If it was up to him he would give hugs and kisses all day long. Wyatt has been good with our dogs and he seemed to do great with the dogs at the shelter. Wyatt is an older gentleman ( 8) so he would do best in a household where someone isn t looking for a hiking buddy although if you meet him he definitely doesn t seem to let his age slow him down. He knows when he gets to go to the park and the spunk comes out in full force. Wyatt is currently going through heartworm treatment this treatment will be complete in August but he will need one more month after to be kept calm and limited to light walks.... More Info



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