Malawi - Female Domestic Mediumhair

Meet Malawi a beautiful domestic medium hair blue tabby female kitten and her birthday is 05-14-16. She s a petite little girl and she was very timid when she arrived but has learned to be trusting and is turning out to be such a sweetheart. She loves to find cozy spots such as baskets or drawers to curl up and fall asleep in and can fit into the tiniest spaces. Another favorite spot for Malawi is sitting in the window sill where she can feel a breeze and observe what s going on outside. She is happy to spend time with you being carried in your arms while you go about your day or playing on her own. She LOVES a good scratch between her ears and will be forever devoted to you if you scratch her back near her tail. Malawi loves the laser pointer and enjoys climbing on her kitty tower. She recently acquired a foster brother who she has enjoyed wrestling with and chasing around the house. I believe she would do well in a home with another easy going cat or would be very happy to be the only kitty allowing her to become the queen of your home. She is currently being fostered in a home with teen age children so she is comfortable with adults and gentle children. This sweet girl is scheduled to be spayed on 7 27 16 but is welcoming interactions prior to that.



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