MIKE - Male Pit Bull Terrier

Mikey (Mike) is a real sweetheart that loves nothing more than being by your side. He spends a lot of time with his foster dad working in a shop making sure everyone is getting their work done. Mikey loves people but can be a bit shy in the beginning but warms up within minutes. Mikey does well with teenagers he has a 13 year old foster brother that he adores but hasn t had the opportunity yet to meet any young children. He loves to do stuff to burn off energy including runs in the country walks on the street playing fetch and car rides. Mikey is working on walking close to other dogs on leash but will need someone who is willing to help him be the best he can be before getting close to another dog and he thinks cats might be a fun toy. Mikey is best suited for an experienced owner or couple without pets that are able to give him their attention and affection. He is house broken walks well on leash after burning off some initial energy and quick to learn. Mikey will melt your heart he cannot wait to meet someone interested in providing him with a loving forever home.... More Info



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