CAMILA - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Camila has been in foster care since April 26. She is currently living with her foster mom an older male pit mix two cats and two foster kittens. She is very friendly loves snuggling with people and loves attention. She has been a bit spoiled in foster care and has been sleeping in mom s bed and been allowed on the furniture. She gets along well with the other dog. After initial introductions with the cats while she was leashed and redirecting her attention away from them she quickly learned that they were part of the household. She does sometimes try to play or chase them but for the most part she now leaves the cats alone. The smaller kittens she mothers and they don t seem to mind her attentions. She would be likely to play with a younger cat that is open to playing with her. Camila is a very sweet young girl who would love to have a human companion to keep her company and show her lots of love and affection.... More Info



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