FINNEY - Male Toy Poodle Mix

Finney is a four-year-old poodle mix who LOVES to chase the ball. His passion for running after his little tennis ball involves leaping sliding tossing rolling over and dropping the ball for more. He loves to go on walks and is great with other small dogs. He is in love with a poodle who lives next door to his foster home and follows her around like a love-struck teenager. He would be best in a home with another small dog. This is where is bouncy happy personality REALLY shines. He is much more withdrawn without another dog around.His cuteness is sky high and his big floppy ears are fawned over. While he does have a huggable squeezable look he isn t a lap dog and doesn t seek out petting at all. He much prefers attention from dogs than people. He is wary of most folks. He has met children and is generally not that interested. Finney also has allergies. Being a poodle-mix his allergies will have to be managed his whole life. This may or may not be expensive. He will most likely need daily medication. He is currently on a special diet to see if his allergy is food related. He has seen a dermatologist at UCD who thought he might have a combination of food and environmental allergies but that was an educated guess and not something arrived at by a test. His itchiness isn t visible meaning he isn t covered in a rash or scabs. He is just itchy.Finney will also need regular grooming to keep him handsome and pearly white. This would be about every 6-8 weeks.... More Info



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