Premier Commercial Real Estate Opportunity AVAILABLE for SALE or LEASE The commercial application is zoned for multi-conditional use and consists of an oversized paved lot high-end executive office and heated warehouse 8637 square foot space. The commercial building was completed in 2008. The commercial property is located in Teton Valley Idaho. Teton Valley Commercial real estate thrives with the benefits of location honoring the history and the tranquil beauty of the Valley and premier resort real estate that invites new businesses to a growing community. Live where you work work where you play in a multiple recreational destination location for winter and summer Teton Valley continues to top the lists as one of the best places to live in the nation. This commercial property is set on a magnificent .7 acre tract minutes to Jackson Hole Wyoming Yellowstone National Park World Class-Huntsman Springs Golf Course Teton Springs Golf Resort the Jackson Hole Airport and Driggs Airport World Class Ski Resorts-Teton Village and Grand Targee Mountain Resort. The office building features picturesque views of the Grand Tetons open rangelands and brilliant sunsets. The property features -2937 square feet of high-end office space on 2 floors & 5700 square feet warehouse Six Private Offices-Individually Network Wired Two Large Conference Rooms Two Kitchens with Alder Cabinets and Granite Three Bathrooms-Two with Alder Cabinets and Granite Five Heated shop bays Two Reception Areas The building is handicapped friendly and up to current codes. The upper portion of the offices features a separate entrance three private offices bathroom kitchen with movable podium island conference room reception area and upper level thermostat with central air and heat. The lower portion of the property consists of three network wired private offices conference room kitchen bathroom lower level thermostat with central air and heat network control room reception area and with indoor entry to five shop bays. The warehouse space is currently divided into 2 spaces. The center space has in-floor hydronic heat utility sink floor drains a bathroom with shower and three power garage doors. One garage door is 14 feet high (big enough to back a semi trailer in) and the other 2 are 12 feet high. The end space is 2400 square feet heated by propane floor drains two utility sinks and 2 - 14 foot high power garage doors with an adjoining entrance and separate outside entrance door. The shops and individual offices can be rented separately. The upper level can easily be converted into a private living quarters employee housing. The paved lot will provide ample parking for over sixty vehicles. This building is currently used for vintage automobile and motorcycle sales and restoration and then remarketing on the Internet but could be used for many other purposes. The exterior of the building is paved and has room to park 50-60 vehicles. Lease for 5500.00 per month triple net or purchase for 795 000. For more information please call Corky Walker at 307-690-1148 or email me at corky(at)



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