GREAT GUITAR SET FOR BEGINNER - come with amp, case, strap

Hello what I have on sale to day is an electric guitar - Epiphone Les Paul Special Edition II. Go with it is a 45 Watt Marshall Amp MG Series strap and a soft case.All of them are in good condition (see pics) as I rarely play them. Bought them from guitar center last year. The original price for guitar was 180 amp 100 strap and case were 30. Now asking for 150 for all of them to go. If you re looking for an electric guitar set for a beginner or just simply for practicing. This is the best deal you can find.Contact email or 206- four 3 four - 5961Thank you.I can also deliver this set with a reasonable gas reimbursementguitar electric guitar amp strap epiphone les paul beginner



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