8 Year Old Female Cocker Spaniel

Sadly do to change in work and time and fairness to our pet we must re-home our female Cocker Spaniel American Cocker Spaniel to someone who has time and patience. She is 8 years old this September. She is dark chocolate brown with white markings she has had one litter. Great family dog protective and grew up with kids. All shots are up to date she is healthy and has a City of Winnipeg license.She absolutely loves to run the most and would be a great companion for someone who loves to run she loves to walk but tends to get to excited and pull and she loves to go to the off leash park. She will come with her dog bed bedding food all toys and kennel. She grew up with cats and sleeps with ours.She is not kenneled during the day and loves to have free roam of the house. She is being kenneled at night.We prefer a home with another dog and or pet and a home with no small children. Most importantly preferred is someone who is willing to put the time in and train her.We are looking for a good home only please call if you would like to meet with her. We will carefully choose the appropriate long term loving home for our furry friend.Serious inquiries only. No emails.



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