Cinnamon - Female German Shepherd Dog

Adoption fee on this dog is 100. Cinnamon is a sweet sable female. She was an unclaimed stray from a Sacramento area shelter so little is known of her background. Her age is between 6-8 years old and she has had one or more litters of puppies in the past. She likely had several untreated ear infections which explains her cauliflower ears. Currently Cinnamon lives with a younger male German Shepherd and cats. She does well with all of them although she does not seem interested in playing with her foster brother. She does like to play with her stuffed animal and she enjoys tossing a ball in the air just to chase it. She adores getting her head and belly scratched with that being said Cinnamon may do best being the only dog to claim all the attention. Cinnamon sleeps all night on a dog bed in her foster moms room she does not sleep in a crate but has been crate trained. Cinnamon is a girl who is used to doing things her own way and will need continued training and socialization. She does know basic commands sit wait leave it and here. Cinnamon would thrive in a calm household going on tons of walks working on obedience and learning new tricks to please her person This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels. For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day please see our Dogs page on our main website at -.-XX.-. Thank you for visiting ... More Info



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