Mary Ingalls - Female Poodle (Toy or Tea Cup)Beagle Mix

13-week-old Marry is a sweet little pup who loves to explore and go for adventures. She is a very bright pup and is very food motivated she would be a delight to train. Marry also enjoys playing with toys like ropes squeekers and balls. Once this little wiggle butt is tired though all she wants to do is curl up with her human and snuggle. Mary Ingalls has a positive history with other dogs. We recommend Mary Ingalls take a Puppy Manners class where she can receive critical socialization experiences build basic manners and learn the joys of living successfully in a home. She currently weighs 10 pounds. Mary Ingalls will be available for adoption at the REI at the Willows Shopping Center in Concord on Friday July 15th from 10am to 2pm weather permitting.Mary Ingalls adopter must be at least 18 years old with valid state-issued identification. ARF encourages family members to participate in the adoption process especially children and family dogs. Please visit ARF s web site for information on adoption and to view more cute canines.... More Info



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