Lily - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium)

At Wags and Whisker s Pet Rescue Lily is a 1.5 year old female terrier mix who needs a forever home. According to her foster This is Lily or most formerly known as Muffy due to her cute ear mu ff-ears. I got the amazing opportunity to keep Muffy for a few days but sadly had to give her to Wags and Whiskers due to a living situation. She is AN AMAZING dog let me tell you why -house trained -LOVES everyone and other dogs -Especially LOVES kids -very calm -loves to be held -loves walks and gets really excited when she gets back from a walk -likes playing with people and treats -knows basic commands Muffy is the perfect dog- adventurous loving incredibly friendly- for a family or anyone who loves to cuddle with their pet. For foster rescue or adoption Call or text Lucy Parks at -----X or email ---XX(at)--- Visit our websites -XX -.--XX.- willowswagsandwhiskerschico -X -.--------.- -XX -.---.- pet-search shelter_id CA2413 -X -.---.- adoption_rescue 91606.html... More Info



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