5bd 2ba1hba Home for Sale in Indianapolis

Wonderful opportunity to own this tri-level home in Washington Township on a mature lot. Just a short drive to interstate access Castleton and Fort Harrison State Park. Features of this 5 bedroom 2.5 bath home include 2 car attached garage mini barn wood deck main level laundry room eat-in kitchen w pantry formal dining room formal living room and more The Indy Property Source Keller Williams Realty - 8102 Kingston St Suite 400 Avon IN 46123 - 317-886-8477 www.theindypropertysource.com homes 6377-Green-Leaves-Road Indianapolis 46220 88243077 req 1& utm_source CraigsList& utm_medium referral& utm_campaign 6377%2bGreen%2bLeaves%2bRoad



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