Puerto Vallarta Condo Front Ocea and Ocean View

The Grand Venetian is a gated community located on one of the most beautiful beaches in Puerto Vallarta Mexico with extraordinary views to the Pacific Ocean and Banderas Bay. Situated between the Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport and the Malecon in Old Towne Puerto Vallarta the Grand Venetian has an ideal location. Aparment 2302 Tower 1000 Grand Venetian. Excellent luxury apartment with modern finishes is located in front of the beach near schools temple and shopping areas (the island and plaza galleries) has access lobby stay terraces white closet dining room kitchen terrace pantry room service patio installation room master bedroom with dressing room and bathroom terrace and jacuzzi secondary bedroom with closet and bathroom and terrace third bedroom with closet bathroom and terrace fourth bedroom with bathroom and walking closet.685 000 USD 2 819 f2 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 2 parking places 4 balconies



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