Violet - Female BoxerShepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

My foster moms says she named me Violet because I m so pretty petite and a real sweetheart. I m a happy girl gentle-natured and I really love people. Sometimes I can be a little shy when meeting new people but it doesn t take long for me to get brave and my tail starts wagging. I get really tickled when I m held and am quite free with kisses Even though I m smallest I m not a shrinking violet and can stand up for myself when my brothers get too rowdy. I can t wait to blossom in my new forever home I and my siblings were born outside where our sweet mama was abandoned and tied to a tree. But when were 2 weeks old a nice lady from from Faithful Friends came and rescued us Primary Color Brown Secondary Color Tri Color Weight 6.4 Age 0yrs 0mths 9wks... More Info



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