Orange Blossom - Female Labrador RetrieverAmerican Staffordshire

Hi there I m Orange Blossom. I think I got my name because of my beautiful-colored coat. I m a 2-year old 47-pound Labrador American Staffy mix. I came to the SPCA of Texas on June 4 because I did not really like being in a home with children. I tend to prefer adults. Because of that it s recommended that I should go to a home with children over 12. That being said I absolutely love attention from people My previous owner noted that I make good company and I m always excited when my humans get home. I really enjoy receiving pats and scratches and am more motivated by attention than treats (I still enjoy a good treat though ). Volunteers have noted that I am learning good manners when being leashed up and once on my leash I walk really well. I love going for walks outside and exploring. If you do as well we might be a match made in heaven I do have a bit of separation anxiety so I d really love to have a new family where someone is home more often than not (or where I can tag along). I just really love my humans and dislike being away from them. Rest assured I m a sweet girl who is worth getting to know. I m a smart cookie and already know how to sit. I m sure I can learn other commands with your guidance. I ve been spayed microchipped and have received all age-appropriate vaccinations. Don t waste any time. Drop by the shelter today and let s get to know each other Written by Gari-Ann SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color Red Secondary Color White Weight 47.8 Age 2yrs 5mths 2wks... More Info



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