BUBBLES - Male Chihuahua

Have you ever seen a dog that s always smiling I also LOVE to play mostly with other dogs. But I wasn t always so happy. I spent about 6 months on the run living on the street evading capture. I thought people were trying to hurt me so I wouldn t let anyone near me. But then I got caught in a skunk trap. -( And I landed in an animal shelter. I was still really scared of people but some nice lady took me home and she has been trying to teach me that people are nice. She s nice and the guy that lives in the house seems nice too. (I think she said he s her husband but I m just a dog. I don t really understand this stuff.) But I m not sure about the rest of you people yet. I know how to use a dog door and I seem to be housebroken. I don t feel comfortable walking on a leash yet so I really need a backyard. I love to hang out on the couch with my humans and would love to sleep in your bed too. Email kblock111 (at) gmail dot com... More Info



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