Destiny - Male German Shepherd Dog

Adoption fee on this dog is 300. Destiny is a beautiful black female with some white on her face. We believe her to be 3 to 4 years old and she weighs approximately 70 lbs. She was an unclaimed stray from a local shelter so nothing is known of her background. We do know that she had a litter of pups while at the shelter and we are extremely lucky to have two of her boys - Jetson and Panda. She has been with her foster family for 6 weeks living with both male and female GSDs who range from 7 months to 6 years old. She is also living with a cat. She loves to play with toys and stuffed animals. Destiny s favorite thing to do is play fetch with her ball and she is great at catching it when thrown in the air to her. If she could fit in your lap that is where she would spend her days. She loves to give kisses cuddle and have her belly head rubbed. This calm loving happy and eager to please girl would love nothing more than a family to call her own. She is housebroken crate trained learning basic commands and how to walk properly on a leash. A proper introduction will need to take place with cats and small dogs. She redirects easily and is eager to please. This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels. For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day please see our Dogs page on our main website at -.-XX.-. Thank you for visiting ... More Info



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