Riggs - Male Rat TerrierJack Russell Terrier Mix

Hi my name is Riggs and I am about five years old. My foster mom says I am very loving boy who has come a long way from when I was found as a stray and taken to the shelter. I tested heartworm positive out of the shelter but my treatment has completed and I m now ready to find my new home. I get along really well with my foster brother and sisters. When I get excited (like when you come into the room or when you are about to feed me) my entire body wiggles. I am crate trained housebroken and know how to use a doggy door. I am ready to find my forever home could it be with you If you need a loyal sweet snuggler email -X(at)-----X for more on how to adopt me. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on our adoption policies please see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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