Buddy - Male Bull TerrierCorgi Mix

Hi my name is Buddy and I am one very Happy Camper . My foster mom says my excitement and happiness is contagious... I always make her laugh. I love to play fetch with my ball. Actually I love to play with all my toys. You might even call me a little bit of a toy hoarder. I don t really want to get in my crate but will with some coaxing. Once in I m a perfect angel. No accidents no barking. If I do happen to bark it s because I need to go potty. My foster mom thinks I m house trained but wants to give me a little more time before committing.. I know I am. I sit very nicely for my treats and do well on a leash (well I might be a little excited to start but then settle down). I really want to find my forever home. I ll make the perfect size companion for you large enough to run and play small enough to snuggle next to you. Please check me out I m waiting for you. You can find out more about me by emailing -X(at)-----X. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on adoption policies please see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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