MATU - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION Matu (male) is one of 6 puppies that came to SPOT just a few days old with their mom (named Spirit) who looks to be a black Lab blend so the puppies will be good size once fully grown. All of the puppies are now 8 weeks old super sweet and very well socialized with dogs and people. If you are ready for endless joy and love and bundles of energy and you really truly have the time and patience to raise a puppy then Matu is waiting for you. Adoption fee 275 includes first vaccination microchip and neuter spay. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs or email SPOT at -X(at)-----XX to meet Matu To follow Matu on his way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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