Prieta and Guera - Female German Shepherd Dog Mix

Prieta and Guera were just rescued from the shelter and need a great home These girls are super sweet and friendly. They are sisters about 3yrs old and around 50lbs. These girls seem to be very bonded so we would love to find them a home together if possible. These beautiful sisters are easy going and would love a home that will give them the attention they deserve )Please email right away if you would like to learn more about this dog......and visit our website -.---XX.- to learn more about our rescue group. Adoption fees range from 150- 250 for dogs. THE DOGS SHOWN ON THE SITE ARE IN FOSTERCARE - WE DO NOT HAVE A SHELTER TO VISIT. EMAIL is the best way to reach us.We are a volunteer run very small organization - so please be patient when waiting for a response but feel free to check back in if you haven t heard from us in a day or so - thank you so much for considering a rescued pooch ... More Info



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