JOEY Baby BARKLEY - Male DachshundChihuahua Mix

Please contact Janet (----X(at)---XX) (479) ---X for more information about this pet. Adopting A Dog The first step in any adoption is an application with reference checks and a vet reference. Our goal is to have the very best home for all our dogs . For dogs with the last name Barkley. PLEASE call Janet -----X or visit website -.----X.- for an application WE LIVE BY FAITH AND SEE DIVINE INTERVENTION SAVING GOD S CREATURES ONE AT A TIME PLEASE CALL JANET HOME PHONE -----X CELL -----X.YOU CAN ADOPT ANY DOG ON THIS SITE.SEE OUR WEBSITE -.----X.-FACEBOOK PAGE DOGTIRED RANCH RESCUEDOGTIRED RANCH IS A 501c3 NO KILL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION.WE ARE SAVING GOD S CREATURES ONE LIFE AT A TIME.DOGTIRED RANCH IS A LIVING MEMORIAL TO KRISTI G. O PRY.JOEY who is pure bred mini Dachshund Chihuahua is actually creme with light red on his ears is a precious little boy of about 14 weeks old and he weighs 6.2 pounds. The breeder said he shouldn t get too much larger. He is nothing but a pleasure and a little love He lIke s to play with the others and is a sweetheart He will come neutered will have three shots Bordetells rabies and wormed. The adoption fee is 300.00 transport fee is 140.00. Please call me. I also send you my two vet clinic references. We take small dogs and puppies from 4 kill animal controls. WE LIVE BY FAITH AND SEE DIVINE INTERVENTION.



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