Corky - Male Maltese

Please contact Karen for more information about this pet.We do not have a facility to house the dogs in our program. They are all kept in foster homes until they are adopted. Therefore if you are interested in adopting from CCHS you have to complete an online application at -X -.--------X.- adoption-application.html and we will contact you asap about the status of your application. Corky and his buddy Molly were adopted as puppies together and lived with an elderly couple over the last 9 years. The adopters were no longer able to give them the care they need and surrendered them to LHS where they are awaiting forever homes to call their own. Corky is 9 years old and weighs 5.3 lbs. He is great with dogs cats and older children. He is crate trained and he is working on house training and is using the doggie door. Corky is a total lap dog and he loves to be with his human. He loves going for walks and is great on a lead. Corky just had a day at the doggie spa and a dental cleaning. He looks so handsome and is all ready to go to his new forever home Could that be you His adoption fee covers his neuter heartworm test dental vaccinations rabies microchip and microchip registration. If you are interested in meeting this adorable guy please complete an online application at -X ------X.- adoptfoster adoption-application ... More Info



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