Penelope - Female Pit Bull TerrierAmerican Pit Bull Terrier Mix

COURTESY LISTING If you are interested in Penelope please call (530) ---X Penelope is looking for a furever home I rescued this sweet girl from sad and lonely living conditions two weeks ago. She was terrified and covered in tar. After being cleaned up and loved for a few days she is now a happy playful 9 week old puppy.She has had her first set of vaccinations and is taking antibiotics for puppy vaginitis which is common in puppies and usually clears up on its own. Her biggest challenges are that she cries when left in her crate at night and she is not yet potty trained.Penelope loves playing with other dogs children and adults. She also likes being held. Penelope wants to be with her people or furry friends at all times. She would love to be a part of your family.... More Info



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