Rose - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Rose and her sisters Violet and Buttercup are the newest members of the CDT family. Sometimes as a rescue you see the best and worst. You make hard decisions and always try to do what s best for the dog. Thankfully this trio of 5 month old pups were surrendered to the shelter. You see while we are angry the pups have been so neglected during their 5 short months of life we are also grateful their owner surrendered them responsibly to the shelter. The pups were all overwhelmed at the shelter. Buttercup shut down and Rose was her security blanket. As a rescue we realized that if someone doesn t step in quickly and help balance these pups out they will have no chance. So we did.Rose Violet and Buttercup are all settling into their foster home. The girls love their four foster siblings and are catching up on the socialization and handling that they ve missed out on. The gals are being spayed on July 12th.We are not currently taking adoption applications for Rose. Her personality is still developing and we re just meeting this special gal.If you are interested in adopting please fill out an application at -.---.-A note about assigning a breed to our rescued dogs Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality not by breed label.... More Info



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