Acoustic Panels better then acoustic foam that are essential stu

Acoustic Panels better then acoustic foam that are essential studio equipment The new Ultacoustic Bass Trap Acoustic Panels are here Ultacoustic stands for Ultimate Acoustic. We have changed the way our panels are designed and have improved the surface area sound absorption of our panels by about 20%. The new Ultacoustic design uses two integrated frames that give our panels straight smooth edges with a frame on the top of the panel that only covers a small portion of the top of the panel. The sides of our panels are still free to absorb sound. Also the new double integrated frame design doesn t require corner pieces so the corners now absorb sound as well as all surfaces of the panel. We have improved the look of our panels and increased the surface area sound absorption of our panels by about 20%. The new Ultacoustic design has about 40% better sound absorption then traditional solid frame constructed Bass Trap Acoustic Panels because of the minimal use of framing material placed and integrated to reflect the minimum amount of sound. Bass Trap Acoustic wall panels are essential for any home recording room. They are an essential part of your studio equipment. They enhance your studio equipment and allow you to truly hear accurately the music you are recording mixing or working on. Unlike sound absorbing foam our acoustic panels are designed using acoustic insulation with the highest sound absorption specs. Also we don t cut corners All of our panels have backs but and this is very important. The backs of all of our bass traps are fabric. This allows sound to be absorbed twice through. One time through the front and the second time through the back of the panel as the sound bounces off the wall behind the panel. Plus all of our Acoustic Panels (Bass Traps and Midrange Panels) are sprayed with fireproofing to ensure our panels comply with home insurance requirements.



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