MISCHA - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Mischa s webpage -X ----X.---.- 2015 11 14 mischa for photos and more.This little cutie patootie is ready to rock your world. Mischa may be petite but she s got enough energy and personality to fill a room with her special brand of sunshine (and who could resist those adorable ears ). She is indeed a sweet blue bundle of happiness and she s never met a person she doesn t love. Mischa enjoys the company of other dogs too especially polite ones. She s a polite player who would love to have a friendly and mannerly male dog in her forever home.Mischa walks nicely on leash and her compactly athletic body is made for sporty fun. She s going to be a wonderful activity partner for someone who likes to hike jog or go on any kind of outdoor adventures. And when the fun is done she ll be thrilled to snuggle up next to you for a snooze. Mischa like all our dogs needs to be a beloved indoor pet who is included in all the family activities. And with her warm personality how could you do anything but Mischa is in foster care where she is being crate trained house trained and currently living with other dogs and children. Please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)--- if you d like to meet her.... More Info



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