KRISTY - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Kristy s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 02 kristy for more information and gorgeous photos.The shelter is a scary place for a soft girl like Kristy but sit down and let her crawl into your lap and all is right in the world.This petite girl will look to you for encouragement as soon as you take her out of her kennel and she will quickly warm up to you at the first sign of affection. Her tucked tail starts wagging as soon as you scratch her behind her ears and when you wrap your arms around her she ll reward you with the most gentle of kisses.Kristy walks beautifully on a leash but she needs encouragement to get going. Brief daily walks with treats for motivation along with lots of happy gentle talk will do wonders to help her blossom. Kristy prefers exploring over a long walk taking her time to observe the world around her. She will teach you to slow down and live in the moment Kristy takes treats gently and obedience training using positive reinforcement will help with her confidence and will deepen your bond with this special girl. Kristy is content to just hang out next to other dogs but she does not want to engage in play as that can be super scary for this soft and mellow gal.If you are ready to love this sweet girl as she deserves she will reward you for years to come. Come on down and meet Kristy today Not sure how to choose the right dog for your family Let PB SOC help We know our dogs and are happy to make recommendations based on your needs as they match up with the needs of the dogs. Visit PB SOC s Adoption page to learn more about our adoption counseling services. To expedite the process please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)---.... More Info



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