Free Cat and Kittens to good home

1. Brown Dark brown Tabby. Female 1 year old. Loving and Likes to cuddle.2. Calico Twins Dark brown Brown Black White one darker than the other. Female born May 26 small maybe 2lb to 21 2 lbs. Cute and cuddly. Will need some patience to get used to you.3. Orange tabby. Male born May 26 small maybe 2lbs. Cute loves to be cuddled and played with. 4. Calico Brown Black White Female. Light Brown White Male. Both born May 26 weigh 2lb to 21 2 lbs. Would like to keep together. Love Attention and to play. Very active.5. White with Black on head and Black tail black spot on back. Female born May 13 weighs maybe 3lbs. Loves to be cuddled and playful.6. White with Black on head and Black tail. Female Born May 13 weighs under 3 lbs. Loves to cuddle and Is very playful.7. White with Black spots Black tail. Female Born May 13 weighs under 3 lbs. Playful and cuddly. Will need patience getting used to you.8. White Siamese. Female Born May 13 weighs under 3lbs. Loves attention and very playful. Will need patience getting used to you.9. Siamese White with Black Brown Face Black Brown ringed tail. Born May 13 weighs under 3lbs. Loves attention and very playful. Will need patience getting used to you 10. Black with white feet and some White on tail. Female or Male unknown it s a surprise Born May 13 weighs under 3lbs. Loves to play with you or by self Cuddly. Will need patience getting used to you.All Kittens and Cat are Free. They are outside and need to come indoor and be loved before winter comes. Number 1 and 2 are indoor. They will all have to have shots be dewormed flea drops etc. I can give address and phone of vet that is really cheap. Please email or text me. By the way I am in Indianapolis Indiana around the 30th and Keystone Ave area.



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