Beautiful markings super friendly females Welsh Corgi.AKC regist

Beautiful Welsh Corgi puppies AKC registered female shots utd fixed almost 3 months.Beautiful markings super friendly amazing with children best disposition create trained super with other animals. She is up to date on shots heart worm etc.She is shy but lights up around dogs and kids. She needs this environment to thrive. To amazing home ONLY. Rehoming fee applies. My Gentle Giants. We pray that they end up in a loving caring home. Will try to get pictures tonight but believe me She is the cutest little pup Rehoming fee applies.They are super friendly 12 weeks and very smart. i have 2 girls left.This breed are are very sweet and gentle natured and make beautiful family pets..Please don t contact us unless you are serious if interested please get in touch strictly no time wasters.Contact us via Text at x (805) x 380 xx 8434. For More Details And Lovely Pictures.



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