Richie - Male Domestic Shorthair

Richie came to GGOH as a rescue in Sept. 2014 he was approximately 8 weeks old upon intake. (First photo is Richie in March 2016 at 20 mos.) Richie was found abandoned and living in despicable conditions along with three siblings his mother his father and two other adult female cats. This handsome boy has been learning his manners and his socialization skills during his time spent with us here at GGOH and he s coming along fabulously He s a bit shy around new people but that is understandably so given he had very little human interaction for the first 8 weeks of his life. He s adapting quickly though and he s sure to be winning over the hearts of everyone he meets in no time. If you d like to know more about Richie feel free to contact GGOH or just stop in for a visit. We ll let him know you re coming PLEASE READ OUR ADOPTION PROCESS INFORMATION BEFORE SUBMITTING ANY COMMUNICATION OR APPLICATION TO US. Thank you ... More Info



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