ASE Certified Mechanic - Compensation: Based on experience

Responsibilities Diagnoses and repairs to specifications brake and hydraulic exhaust primary and or advanced fuel ignition and electrical suspension and alignment air conditioning and computer systems. Disassemble and reassemble parts Adequately explains technical diagnoses and needed repairs to non-mechanical individuals Continuously learns new technical information and techniques in formal training sessions in order to stay abreast with rapidly changing automotive technology. Keeps management aware of mechanical repair problems as they occur. Parts and Inventory Management Mentor to Apprentices Management Experience Maintains an organized neat and safe bay. Qualifications Requirements High School Tech School Associates Degree in related field preferred Minimum 3-5 years of strong automotive mechanical diagnosis problem-solving troubleshooting and repair experience ASE Master Certifications are required for this position with good leadership and customer service skills Strong computer and analytical skills Effective communication skills self starter and ability to work independently Must be detailed oriented and dexterity along with mechanical and technical skills High level of motivation energy and a customer-focused attitude. Must have own tools Must have a Valid Driver s License Pre-employment drug test background check



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