Computer Repair Service--Laptop/Desk top Very Reasonable - Price

I can perform any repairs needed on your Computers or Laptops any make or model. Screen replacements hard drive and any other part replacement HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE (no Macs please) VERY REASONABLE I can perform upgrades to your software or hardware repairs to either also. Get rid of & clean unwanted programs and wasted space from Internet junk Adware Viruses and Spyware that causes your computer to be slow--I ll get you more speed Greensburg and surrounding area. I can also perform BACKUPS DATA RECOVERY to your system. (Don t lose your stuff ).......BACK-UP YOUR FILES If you don t & your Computer crashes you could lose all your Documents Photos & Music Parts for sale also. Heat and Dirt causes your Computer to run slow shut-down and will ruin components. Most overheating problems are caused by dirt dust pet hair smoking and your computer is a magnet for all. Computers are designed to bring in fresh air to cool the unit....



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