Copper - Male Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Want a pet that is always happy and friendly I may be the one for you Hi my name is Copper which surely from my shiny copper red color I am a 5-year-old male Hound mix weighing 44-pounds. I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on June 9 because my previous owner didn t have enough space to take care of me. I m very likeable spend some time with me and you ll have to agree I am a happy friendly and energetic fellow. I love to walk and I am easy to walk. I also enjoy treats and will sit on command. I love attention from people and make friends with everyone I meet. In my previous home I did fine with children cats and other dogs. Did you know that you can bring your current vaccinated pets to the shelter to meet potential pets like me I d love if you would stop by and come see me I have been neutered microchipped and have received my age-appropriate vaccinations. Please come and visit me You might meet you next best friend Written by David SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color Red Secondary Color White Weight 42 Age 5yrs 5mths 3wks... More Info



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