Angel - Female Shih Tzu

Angel - 13 year old female Shih Tzu. Approximately 15 lbs. Housetrained. Up to date on vaccinations spayed and microchipped. Adoption fee 100.00Angel is a really sweet older girl. Her previous owner was elderly and unable to continue to care for her. She spends most of her day sleeping. She wants nothing more than to follow you around and sleep at your feet or in your lap. She is good with dogs cats birds and even chickens but would prefer to be an only fur child. She s never had to share her person bed or food with other dogs or kids but is doing great on all accounts in her foster home. She is easily spooked possibly due to a bit of hearing loss so we recommend a home without children as a precaution. She is fully house trained and walks well on a leash. She loves car rides Angel would do best in a home where she is not left alone for long periods of time as she has always been in a home where her owner is home most of the day. Angel does have a long history of environmental allergies and arthritis. Both of these are very easily managed with proper medication and diet. We also ran extensive bloodwork recently and the veterinarian said she is great health for her age Also due to her breed she does require regular grooming. This sweet girl just needs someone to love her through her golden years ... More Info



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