DENNIS - Male Pit Bull TerrierBoxer Mix

Check out Dennis webpage -X ----X.- 2016 06 28 dennis for more information and gorgeous photos.Meet the super-squishy hunk of your dreams right here Seriously Dennis isn t likely to last long at the shelter with his stunning good lucks and gooey-sweet personality so if you ve got a thing for the light-eyed boys hurry down to meet him ASAP. Photos don t do him justice but it s his amazing personality that will have you fawning over him within seconds. Dennis lives for affection from people and he just wants to be close and please you. He will climb right up in your lap and press himself against you if given the invitation. He s a soft-hearted boy who needs no harsh corrections. Treats and positive encouragement are very rewarding to him and he ll do whatever you want when those tools are used.Dennis adores the lady dogs too. He s just a silly goofy playful boy with the girl dogs. He would thrive with another playful female in his forever home. He s even kenneled with a female dog at the shelter--that s how sweet he is with them. This boy is seriously so easy to love. He deserves to be an indoor companion with a family who appreciates just how amazing he is. Give him a home and some daily affection and you ll have the most loyal and loving companion you could hope to have. Come fall in love with adorable Dennis today.Not sure how to choose the right dog for your family Let PB SOC help We know our dogs and are happy to make recommendations based on your needs as they match up with the needs of the dogs. Visit PB SOC s Adoption page to learn more about our adoption counseling services. To expedite the process please fill out our application and email it to us at ------XX(at)---.... More Info



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