Seuss - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium)Corgi Mix

Suess is just as cute and silly as her name implies She may be small but there s a lot of personality packed into that little package. She s energetic and loves to play... squeaky toys are her favorite With her athletic body and clever mind she would make a great agility dog. One way or another she ll need a lot of exercise both physical and mental to keep her happy and healthy.As we all do Suess has a few behavior quirks that could use some attention. First of all she can be a bit vocal especially when she s left alone. She s probably not cut out for apartment living. Also she s not fond of sharing treats she considers high value (like pig ears or bones) but is willing to trade if you show her you have something better. This behavior if handled incorrectly can get worse so let s nip it in the bud and handle it the right way We ll give you a training plan during your pre-adoption consultation that will set everyone up for success. Older dog-savvy children (16 ) will be the best match for her.Suess really wants to play with other dogs but she doesn t really know how. If they ignore her she barks at them. If they pay attention to her she skitters away unsure. She d probably love to go home with a friendly well-socialized dog who can show her the ropes.Suess is a sweet girl with a mind of her own who will thrive in a home with experienced owners who can give her the structure management training and exercise she needs. Primary Color Tan Secondary Color White Weight 13.4 Age 0yrs 6mths 3wks... More Info



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