Kline - Male English SetterLabrador Retriever Mix

Kline is an adorable 8 week old Lab mix pup that came to us with his siblings. His mama was a very sweet English Setter and his daddy was a Yellow lab. These pups appear to be very smart and sweet and will likely make good active family companions. Kline and his siblings would benefit greatly from doggy classes to start them off on the right foot in life. Kline will be a large size dog when grown between 50 and 80 lbs. Kline is scheduled to be neutered and micro-chipped on the 5th of July and can go home shortly after that date. If you are interested in this boy please consider filling out an application on our website at -.---XX.- or The application is in the Adoption Center menu under the Forms option. We prefer that these pups go to homes with large yards as they will active large breed dogs.... More Info



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