Jemma - Female Great Dane

06 17 2016Hi there Great Dane Peeps My name is Jemma (short for Jemima) and I am a 5 year old Mantle Great Dane girl.I honestly don t know how to say it but once again life has thrown me some curves.I recently got into some trouble by not being nice to another doggy when I was off my property. You see I really do get along well with other animals even cats but whenever I get to go for a walk if there s another doggy out and about I have the wrong understanding of what I m supposed to do. So my family has returned me to GDREP and I just wanted everyone to know exactly why. It s not easy being the most beautiful in town.............When I first came to GDREP in 2015 I had been severely neglected and underfed. It didn t take long to figure out that the only thing that had been lacking in my life was enough groceries and love. I am a very sweet gal I am very loving and affectionate and good with kids.Please come meet me and learn for yourself. I truly an a Jem .Adoption fee 300If interested in adopting please visit our website to submit an online adoption application. We do NOT have a shelter facility all our dogs are in foster homes. We have many MEET N GREETS monthly all over El Paso but these are NOT adoption events meaning our dogs don t get adopted from these events unless you have an approved application in our system. www.GDRescueEP.orgMEET N GREETS June 18-19 2016 Sat & Sun 10am-2pmPETSBARN - Horizon City13650 Eastlake Blvd... More Info



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