Rosie - Female Doberman PinscherLabrador Retriever Mix

FOSTER NEEDED Rosie is a wonderful 5-month-old female Doberman Lab mix puppy who was scared to death in the kennel. She was saved and is on her way to Seattle. She is a little love bug with people outside the kennel and can t wait to find her forever home. Because she is so young she will do fine in any home that can give her the love and exercise and training that a puppy needs. Rosie is up to date on all her vaccinations and spayed. Email -X(at)------XX to meet Rosie The adoption fee of 495 covers the spay neuter all vaccinations microchipping health certificate boarding and transportation costs from California to Seattle. The adoption fee is firm and help covers the medical expenses of other dogs in our rescue organization in need of orthopedic surgery dental work and more. Donations are always appreciated to help us pay down our vet bills at Greenwood Vet. ... More Info



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