Niko 2 - Male Alaskan Malamute Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Foster family says no information at this time please check again later Approximate Age 2 yrs old Approximate weight 109 lbs DATE DOG IS COMING TO 1st EVENT Wednesday June 22nd (All dogs are available for online adoption now. In-person adoptions will begin on the date of a dog s first event provided they are still available. Dogs not adopted during their first event will attend all additional events thereafter until adopted) ADOPTION FEE 210.00 Email -XX(at)--XX and or fill out adoption application online at -.-X.- to adopt. Our adoption events are at the Lakewood PetCo 475 S Wadsworth Blvd on Wednesday 4pm-7pm (YAPPY HOUR SPECIALS) Friday 4pm-7pm and Saturday 10am-2pm An adoption application online is required prior to viewing our dogs. You should complete it before you get to the event or you will have to wait in line to use the computer there . Adoption fees include vaccines up until time of adoption microchip spay neuter and 1st 30 days of free Pet insurance. We are not affiliated with Pet First pet insurance. Adopter has to sign up for the insurance if they are interested or it will not go into effect. Adopter can go to our vet for medical issues that may arise in 1st 3 days of adoption. See our FB page at -XX -.--XX.- 4Paws4LifeRescue to get involved



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