Cactus Pup - Hylo - Female Australian ShepherdHound (Unknown Typ

Meet the Cactus Pups These sweet little things were found alone without their mama and now they are safe and sound with Labs and More. These pups appear to be Australian Shepherd Hound mixes and they are just adorable. All they want to do is play play play and they can t wait to make new best friends. These cuties are looking for forever families that are committed to providing them with everything they need to grow up into amazing companions training playtime exercise socialization cuddles and lots of love. Shepherds and hounds tend to need mental stimulation as well because they can get bored easily and need a job to do. We think these pups will be medium to large dogs when fully grown. Hylo can t wait to meet you and be a part of your family - if you think you re ready for the rewarding challenge of raising a puppy apply to adopt today The adoption includes the altering of the dog current vaccinations and microchipping. For more information on the Adoption Donation and our Adoption Process please visit our website at -.---XX.- and click on Adopt. You will find our online adoption application there as well. Once you are approved to adopt we will discuss how to meet our available dogs. Our dogs are NOT housed at our mailing address. We are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit all volunteer organization. Thank you for reaching out to rescue a dog in need of hope ... More Info



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