Toy Yorkie Puppy Girl (Hailey)

Hailey is an absolutely cute darling toy size female Yorkie puppy. She was born in May 5th 2016. She got vaccinated and dewormed up to date. She is registered with CKC. She has real compact body with short snouts and legs. She will grow up to 4 to 5 lbs when she gets full grown size. She also has nice soft thick coats. Her coat will turn out blue tan or blue gold. She is very socialized and well behaved. She is going for 1300. She comes with one year health guarantee written against genetic defects. I also provide some basic supplies such as food vitamin toy pads etc. I am able to ship the puppy within US. Feel free to ask me any questions. Call or text 323-819-0113. Ask Brandon.



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