Gorgeous CKC reg. Champion Bloodline Yorkshire Terrier Puppies A

Three adorable traditional marked Yorkshire Terrier puppies born May 22nd 2016 - one female and two males currently available to excellent loving homes. This was an outcross breeding puppies were bred for overall soundness longevity and temperament first and foremost.Great pedigree consist of Rothby Exmoor Vassar.These puppies would be excellent for therapy service work obedience or just outstanding companions.Sire AKC & CKC reg. AKC DNA d Champion Sired Blue & Gold 5lbs ideal.Dam CKC reg. 9lbs ideal Chocolate & Tan. Both parents have wonderful temperaments they are loving laid-back and sweet both are available for meeting at pickup Puppies are properly socialized raised indoors around people other animals and will be started on puppy pad training Each puppy will have dewclaws removed tail docked vaccinated twice (DAPPv DAPPvL2 Cv Bordetella) dewormed multiple times (Safeguard) microchipped vet examined and started on Sentinel for flea heartworm intestinal parasite prevention. Each puppy will go home with a 2yr health guarantee lifetime breeder support puppy folder health records care guide booklet pedigree CKC registration bed collar with microchip ID tag leash harness treats toy and package of Taste Of The Wild puppy food. A deposit of 300.00 will hold your puppy of choice until ready to go at 10-12 weeks of age (July 31st - August 13th). PRICING 1500.00 (Spay Neuter Agreement)Yellow Collar - Male - Mercury (12 oz - estimated weight 3lbs - 3.5lbs)Red Collar - Male - Gambit (9oz - estimated weight 2lbs)Aqua Collar - Female - Karma (13oz - estimated weight 3.5lbs)Meeting is available for pickup (will meet or deliver up to 2hrs free of charge) ground and air shipping available at an additional charge if needed. Please email for more information pictures and pedigree videos available upon request Thank you



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