Brittany Puppies Ready for New Homes July 1st

AKC Brittany Puppies Orange and White. I have pictures on oodle can t up load here for some reason I have 7 females and one excellent male. They have tails docked and dew claws removed. They will have 1st shots and each will be vet check. I occasionally breed maybe once every two to three years. I have bred Brittany s for about 15 years. I always conform to breed standards and never breed a dog that has a heredity problem (that is known.) The father has a champion feild and show pedigree. I own both the mother and father. All my dogs have been natural hunters we hunt. Brittanys make great family dog too they are loving and independent. I can leave them outside and they are always busy but when I sit down they come over to visit then check things out again. They like to fetch and retrieve and LOVE walks



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