Adorable Pug Babies

Our family pet Feddy has given birth to 4 beautiful puppies 1 black girl 2 fawn girls and 1 fawn boy(photos taken 21-06-16 ) . Mum Feddy has a lovely nature and has an impressive pedigree mainly Eastonite and Marbelton lines Dad is a white Pug and has many imports both European and American and all the puppies all carry the white gene. The pups are ready for viewing . All the pups are regularly wormed will have a full vet inspection 1st vaccination microchipped KC registration 5 generation pedigree 4 weeks free insurance with Petplan and a 2.5 kilo bag of Beta puppy food. These Pug puppies are real quality and it shows as our photos really do not do them justice they must be seen.



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