Maggie - Female Poodle (Miniature)Cocker Spaniel Mix

Did you say you liked the fluffy dogs Poodle-mixes make you smile Well here s she is Maggie our poodle-mix. She is approximately 5 years old and just 9-10 lbs. Maggie is one of a kind and she s ready to wiggle her way into your heart and home Maggie always seems to be smiling and watching for her opportunity to jump right into your lap This little pup is about 5 years old and she is just 10lbs. Small in size but not in presence. Maggie loves being the center of attention. She can certainly live happily with other little dogs. She enjoys their company however Maggie is also a dog that can be your one and only. Just promise her trips to the dog park so she can run and play with other pups on occasion. Maggie knows how to use a doggy door. She s also quite happy to use piddle pads when it s wet out or you re away. Maggie is very good on the leash and usually quiet at home until you go away and then she sings the song of the poodle people in hopes it brings you home. But after a short while she trots to the nearest doggy bed and naps.Maggie is not good with cats. Maggie needs an adult only home since she has few places on her little body that she s not fond of being touched and will let you know. But it s hard for children to understand those clues and she may become stressed.Maggie needs a special home. She needs a person with experience dealing with dogs who have quirks. She needs someone who will continue what she s been learning. Maggie needs activity structure lots of love patience and she d really like to go to training. She promises to be top dawg in the training classes. Maggie will make you proud. Maggie is spayed micro-chipped and up-to-date on her vaccines. Maggie does have a lot of tear staining but we had a vet check her eyes and she s fine. She does require the her eyes be wiped with wet cloth every day to minimize the staining. She s very good about the eye cleaning. Grateful Dogs Rescue incurs substantial medical and other costs in rescuing our dogs. In order to recoup some of these costs we must charge an adoption fee. The adoption fee for MAGGIE is 200.If you are interested in adopting MAGGIE please complete our online adoption application at -X -.------.- adoption-process.html. One of our volunteers will get back to you. Adoptions are local confined to the SF Bay Area.... More Info



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