Daisy and Delilah - Female Siamese

Please contact Kay (----(at)---) (925) ---X for more information about this pet.Daisy and Delilah are 8 week old chocolate-point Siamese mixes. They were rescued from a vacant lot in Concord along with 5 other kittens (coming soon ). These adorable sisters are ready to be your forever companions. Playful very sweet love to cuddle. They will be available this Saturday (7 2) at the Pet Food Express in Pleasant Hill from 1-4pm. If interested it would be best to download and submit an application in advance as we expect these kittens will get a lot of interest quickly CC4C Contact Kay ----(at)--- -----XCommunity Concern for Cats is an all-volunteer rescue organization helping homeless and abandoned cats in Contra Costa County. Learn more about our adoption process locations fees and download an application at -X -.-------XX.- adoptions adoption-process .... More Info



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